How does this work?
StockChartNet has spent several years fine-tuning a set of Buy and Sell indicators. You can see these indicators at the bottom of the chart below.Why are we confident that this 'price basis' is a good strategy?
Put simply, it is the difference between entry and exit prices that determines your profit!What is the "market's opinion"?
Estimates or beliefs of future earnings per share (eps), future dividends per share (dps), knowledge about competitive advantage or the quality of staff are some of the factors which affect investors' beliefs about a company. Collectively these beliefs (be they correct or not) are called the "market's opinion". It is this opinion which influences the trend or changes in market prices.What are other influences on market opinion (and hence market prices)?
Analysts are always estimating and forecasting up and coming quarterly, half yearly and annual company results. Their forecasts affect the opinions of other investors. Thus, the market may experience changes in price trends long before an official announcement is published. StockChartNet takes advantage prior to the official announcement through its price based strategy.Do price trends always change prior to announcements?
No, not always. Sometimes an impending announcement is not made public.So will I still have to look at each chart for each stock to see what to do?
Only when you need to!How do I keep track of which stocks I own?
Your portfolios are split into two sections in StockChartNet: Those stocks you currently own ("Current Holdings"), and those you are monitoring ("Watch List").How do I choose the stocks in the first place? Can I change my selection?
You can add and remove stocks from your portoflio whenever you wish, and you can have as many portfolios as you wish.What about tracking performance?
StockChartNet provides a number of charts for the performance of your portfolios. The example below shows portfolio growth over time.Free Evaluation
Don't forget: you can try out these features and more by getting a free 20 day evaluation. There's no obligation to purchase.